Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 19 Day 3

Ate way too much today and I'm totally paying for it... I'll try be better this weekend.

1. chocolate milk: 6 P+
2. toast with peanut butter: 6 P+
Total: 12 P+

1. mac and cheese: 25 P+
2. reese peanut butter cups: 10 P+
Total: 35 P+

1. yogurt: 4 P+
2. pizza spaghetti: 7 P+
3. carrots: 0 P+
Total: 11 P+

1. pizza: 30 P+
Total: 30 P+

Water Drank: 12/12 c.

Total: 39/39
Weeklies Used: too many/49
Weeklies Left: negative one million/49
AP's Earned This Week: 0

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